トップページ > 国際感染症対策 WHO GOARN 派遣人材育成研修2022 参加者募集 | Call for applicants: Orientation to International Outbreak Response with GOARN and WHO Tier 1.5 Training Workshop 2022
国際感染症対策 WHO GOARN 派遣人材育成研修2022 参加者募集 | Call for applicants: Orientation to International Outbreak Response with GOARN and WHO Tier 1.5 Training Workshop 2022
国際感染症対策 WHO GOARN 派遣人材育成研修2022 参加者募集

GOARN(Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network)は、世界保健機関(WHO)やパートナー機関により設立されたエボラ出血熱等の国際感染症の危機発生時に世界屈指の感染症対策チームを迅速に派遣・運営する国際的な枠組みです。GOARNミッションへの派遣には、GOARN研修の修了や国際的なアウトブレイク対応の経験が重視されています。そこで本研究班は、2019年度より、WHOの協力を得て、GOARN研修 (GOARN Tier 1.5 Training Workshop)を日本で開催しています。本研修は、今年度は感染対策を強化しつつ、オンサイトでの実施となります。 GOARNの派遣経験が豊富なGOARNや WHOの講師陣による貴重な研修の機会ですので、是非、奮ってご応募下さい。
GOARN Tier1.5 Training Workshopとは
- GOARNおよびWHOの展開する国際的なアウトブレイク対応ミッションで必要とされる実践的な知識、スキルを習得する。
- WHOおよびGOARNの専門家から、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策を含めた、アウトブレイク対策の最新動向を学ぶ。
- 参加者とのグループワークやディスカッションを通じ、チームでのコミュニケーション力を培う。
今年度の研修は、GOARN研修を今まで受講されたことのない方で、かつ、 epidemiology 、Case management、IPC、Laboratoryの分野の専門家を優先的に参加して頂く方針といたしますのでご承知おき下さい。
1. Ms. Renee Christensen
Lead for Capacity Building and Training, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)
WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)
World Health Organization, Headquarters
2. Dr. Sharon Salmon
Technical Officer, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)
Emergency Management Operations (EMO), WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)
World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Western Pacific
3. Prof. Dale Fisher
Chair, National Infection Prevention and Control (NIPC) Committee, Singapore
Immediate past chair, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) Steering Committee
Group Chief of Medicine for National University Health System
日時:2022年11月17日(木) 日本時間 9:00-18:00
1. 教育歴
感染症に関連する分野における学士号取得者: 公衆衛生(Public Health)、医学(Medicine)、看護学(Nursing)、検査(Laboratory) など。
2. 実務経験
-国立感染症研究所 実地疫学専門家養成コース(FETP)(卒業生含む)
4. 語学力
国際ミッションで円滑に業務が可能な英語力を有する。 目安は以下の通り。
英語:TOEIC 730点以上、TOEFL 550点(iBT 79点)、IELTS 6.0以上
5. 派遣への意思
・応募締め切り:2022年9月28日(水) 日本時間 午後5時<申込期間は終了しました>
・10月中旬頃 選考結果発表予定
事務局:国立研究開発法人 国立国際医療研究センター(NCGM) 国際感染症センター (DCC)
E-mail:ncgm[a]jc-inc.co.jp ※[a]を@に変えてください。
Call for Applicants:
Orientation to International Outbreak Response with GOARN and WHO Tier 1.5 Training Workshop 2022
(Application period has closed)

The Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Japan, are pleased to announce an upcoming Orientation to International Outbreak Response with GOARN and WHO one-day onsite workshop held in Tokyo, Japan.
The training program is a collaborative effort between GOARN, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, and the NCGM. This training will be funded by Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Control Division, Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Japan.
GOARN is a global technical partnership established by the WHO in 2000 as a key mechanism to engage the resources of technical agencies across the globe for rapid identification, confirmation, risk assessment, and response to major international public health emergencies such as COVID-19 and Ebola virus disease.
Welcome to GOARN | GOARN
Training purpose
To train and prepare participant who lives in Japan, and the challenges of working as epidemiology, Case management, IPC, and Laboratory specialists with GOARN and WHO in responding to international outbreaks. The training will provide opportunities to learn from and interact with GOARN and WHO experts.
Target audience
Epidemiology, Case management, IPC, and Laboratory Specialists who have never participated in GOARN and WHO Tier 1.5 Training Workshop
We prioritize applicants who live in Japan.
※ At this time, due to strict traveling due to COVID-19 Pandemic, we are accepting experts who live in Japan. Also, we target experts' fields of epidemiology, Case management, IPC, and Laboratory who take GOARN training workshops for the first time as participants of this training workshop.
Instructors of this training(TBS)
1. Ms. Renee ChristensenLead for Capacity Building and Training, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)
WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)
World Health Organization, Headquarters
2. Dr. Sharon Salmon
Technical Officer, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)
Emergency Management Operations (EMO), WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)
World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Western Pacific
3. Prof. Dale Fisher
Chair, National Infection Prevention and Control (NIPC) Committee, Singapore
Immediate past chair, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) Steering Committee
Group Chief of Medicine for National University Health System
Outline of the training program
Date: Thursday 17th November 2022
Time: 9:00-18:00 in Tokyo
Fee: Free of charge
Language: English
On-site training location: Tokyo
-This training program comprised pre-course work and on real-time on-site training workshops.
-The WHO GOARN team issues certificates to the participants who complete the training.
Selection Criteria - Eligibility and Qualifications
- Education
-Undergraduate degree(s) in at least one of the following fields is required: public health, nursing, medicine, laboratory, or related fields.
-A Master’s or higher-level degree is an advantage. - Experience
-You must have five or more years of professional experience in the relevant fields, such as infectious diseases and infection control. - Skills
-Excellent skills in communication and negotiation
-Excellent analytical, planning, and organizational skills
-Ability to work in a team
-Ability to work under pressure
-Ability to work in a diverse setting - Languages
English proficiency (ability to communicate in academic and professional settings) is required. - Attendance and availability
-100% attendance and completion of the pre-course work and on-site training.
-Availability and willingness to be deployed for international missions through GOARN.
Required Documents
- All applicants must submit a letter of support for your involvement in the training and support for potential future deployment from your supervisor (ideally from a GOARN partner institution) Only the letter in English language is acceptable.
- For Japanese applicants: a certificate of an English language test. The minimum requirement is at least one of the following test scores: TOEIC score of 730 or higher, TOEFL score of 550 or higher (iBT 79 or higher), or IELTS Academic score of 6.0 or higher.
- Personal statement for application to the training (maximum 600 words).
How to apply
Fill out and send the application form by Wednesday, 28 September 2022 at 5:00 pm Tokyo Japan time.<Application period has closed>
We will send notification of acceptance to the participants by email no later than the middle of October 2022.
For inquiries, please contact the secretariat at the Disease Control and Prevention Center, NCGM via email in Japanese or English.
E-mail: ncgm[a]jc-inc.co.jp *please change [a] to @
Disease Control and Prevention Center (DCC)
National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM)
1-21-1 Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 162-8655
DCC website